Latest Song: Forever in Heaven
1st Single from Tommy Wales New Acoustic Record: WARRIOR POET (take a listen)

Betrayed Kisses - mp3
Tommy Wales Solo Acoustic Album Volume V - CANDLEBURN
6 Brand NEW Songs Recorded by Robert Blackburn at Blackdog Recording Studios, Rochester, NY

"Artwork by JCV (Jeff Cole Visuals)"
[To receive your 6 Song EP send a donation of whatever you can afford via PAYPAL to tommywalesmusic @ gmail.com]
"lyrics, music, vox, guitar by tommy wales copyright 2022 Spun recordS"
Visit Wales Road on iTunes

Past Project: 50,000 Tears

First singles from Tommy Wales ~ 50,000 Tears
Whisper Sweet Nothing ➢" + "Black Ravens ➢
Lyrics & Music by Tommy Wales Copyright 2021.
"The Rochester band Wales Road has gone through assorted changes in personnel and sound over the years ... at the center, though, has always been the vision and voice of Tommy Wales; his theme has remained consistent: one man and his God, whom he sometimes praises,sometimes defends-and sometimes, like Job, seeks, pleads and beseeches. ‘Rock’n’Roll Dizzy Man’ – marries straightforward faith and Scripture-based lyrics to a fully-realized sound with flourishes from the various styles that make up ‘rock’... "
L. David Wheeler -Daily Messenger
“... if the best art comes from the deepest pain then ‘Wounds & Whispers’ comes aptly entitled as ‘nine songs of healing art on audio canvas’, both musically and lyrically. Fans of straightforward hard rock with strong leanings towards blues and metal will certainly take delight in what the album offers according ...”
-Andrew Rockwell – angelicwarlord.com